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2025 슈퍼볼 하프타임 쇼(켄드릭 라마)에 나온 노래들과 관련된 정보들 😆

  안녕하세요, 알라입니다. 오늘은 2025 애플 뮤직 슈퍼볼 하프타임 쇼에 나온 노래와 그에 관련된 소소한 이야기와 개인적인 생각을 말해볼려고 합니다. 저번에도 말씀드렸다시피, 이번 하프타임 쇼를 진행한 가수는 '켄드릭 라마'인데요,  켄드릭 라마는 슈퍼볼 하프타임 쇼의 첫 솔로 힙합 아티스트로서 무대를 꾸몄죠. Kendrick Lamar's Apple Music Super Bowl Halftime Show  NFL 유튜브에 올라온 영상입니다. 세트리스트 타임라인 0:20 : "Wacced Out Murals" / 사무엘 L. 잭슨의 오프닝 인트로 0:30 : "GNX" (스니펫) 1:34 : "Squabble Up" 2:48 : 사무엘 L. 잭슨 재등장 3:04 : "HUMBLE." 4:14 : "DNA." 4:43 : "Euphoria" 5:28 : "Man at the Garden" 6:00 : "Peekaboo" / 사무엘 L. 잭슨 다시 등장 6:58 : "Not Like Us" (티즈) 7:23 : "Luther" (SZA 피처링) 8:29 : "All The Stars" (SZA 피처링) 9:48 : 사무엘 L. 잭슨 마지막 등장 10:02 : "Not Like Us" (티즈 2) 10:17 : "Not Like Us" 11:45 : "TV Off" (DJ Mustard 피처링) 특별한 순간들 10:53 : "Say Drake 😁" (팬들을 향한 재미있는 코멘트) 11:20 : "A MINORRRR" (음악적 강조) 11:28 & 11:33 : 테니스 선수 세레나 윌리엄스의 깜짝 등장 보자마자 미국 국기를 표현한게 느껴졌어요....

Alla’s Pyeongtaek Restaurant Recommendation: Goraemong in Sosa-beol _My Honest Review


Today, I’m excited to share a wonderful Japanese restaurant in Pyeongtaek called Goraemong. I’ve always known that they serve mackerel sushi, one of my favorites, but for various reasons, I never had the chance to visit until now. Finally, I went with a friend, and we had an amazing time!

Although we don’t drink, the owner was really friendly and didn’t mind at all, making us feel very welcome.

We initially sat at a regular table but later moved to the seats in front of the open kitchen. 

Sitting there, we got to watch the chefs at work, and it was really fun to see them prepare everything right in front of us. I also noticed that other customers were talking with the chefs and enjoying drinks, which made the whole experience feel even more special. 

It definitely increased my trust in the restaurant.

The dishes were served on beautiful plates, and I found myself wanting to take them home! The attention to detail in using different plates for each dish was a great touch.
The space between tables was spacious enough that we didn’t feel crowded, and the atmosphere was comfortable.  

Though we couldn’t take pictures of the other tables, they seemed to be larger and perfect for groups to enjoy meals together.

The portions were huge, and we felt really full after eating. 
We tried the Mackerel BonchobapFutomaki, and Grilled Pork Jowl
and all three were absolutely delicious!

Watching the chef prepare the Mackerel Bonchobap right in front of us was an unforgettable experience. 
The aroma and visual of the mackerel being torched were so mouthwatering that I could hardly wait to eat. 

The Futomaki was enormous and so stuffed that it was hard to eat in one bite, but the taste was definitely worth it. 

The Grilled Pork Jowl was incredibly tender, and the chives that came with it were a perfect pairing.

In the end, we finished all three dishes in no time. 

Next time, I plan to come with more friends so we can try a wider variety of dishes together. Both my friend and I were extremely satisfied, and I can definitely see myself coming here more often.


  • Mackerel Bonchobap (Sababo-sushi): 24,000 KRW
  • Futomaki: 13,000 KRW
  • Grilled Pork Jowl: 22,000 KRW

The total was 59,000 KRW, which might seem a little pricey, but considering how satisfied we were, it felt like a great value. We couldn’t wait to come back again!


Address: 20-45, Vision 5-ro, Pyeongtaek, Gyeonggi-do, 2nd Floor, Joheun Plaza 2nd Building

Phone: 0507-1312-9025

Business Hours:

  • Weekdays: 5:40 PM - 1:00 AM
  • Weekends: 5:40 PM - 2:00 AM
  • Open every day!

Instagram: @goraemong_pt


이 블로그의 인기 게시물

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2025 슈퍼볼 하프타임 쇼(켄드릭 라마)에 나온 노래들과 관련된 정보들 😆

  안녕하세요, 알라입니다. 오늘은 2025 애플 뮤직 슈퍼볼 하프타임 쇼에 나온 노래와 그에 관련된 소소한 이야기와 개인적인 생각을 말해볼려고 합니다. 저번에도 말씀드렸다시피, 이번 하프타임 쇼를 진행한 가수는 '켄드릭 라마'인데요,  켄드릭 라마는 슈퍼볼 하프타임 쇼의 첫 솔로 힙합 아티스트로서 무대를 꾸몄죠. Kendrick Lamar's Apple Music Super Bowl Halftime Show  NFL 유튜브에 올라온 영상입니다. 세트리스트 타임라인 0:20 : "Wacced Out Murals" / 사무엘 L. 잭슨의 오프닝 인트로 0:30 : "GNX" (스니펫) 1:34 : "Squabble Up" 2:48 : 사무엘 L. 잭슨 재등장 3:04 : "HUMBLE." 4:14 : "DNA." 4:43 : "Euphoria" 5:28 : "Man at the Garden" 6:00 : "Peekaboo" / 사무엘 L. 잭슨 다시 등장 6:58 : "Not Like Us" (티즈) 7:23 : "Luther" (SZA 피처링) 8:29 : "All The Stars" (SZA 피처링) 9:48 : 사무엘 L. 잭슨 마지막 등장 10:02 : "Not Like Us" (티즈 2) 10:17 : "Not Like Us" 11:45 : "TV Off" (DJ Mustard 피처링) 특별한 순간들 10:53 : "Say Drake 😁" (팬들을 향한 재미있는 코멘트) 11:20 : "A MINORRRR" (음악적 강조) 11:28 & 11:33 : 테니스 선수 세레나 윌리엄스의 깜짝 등장 보자마자 미국 국기를 표현한게 느껴졌어요....